
Founder of Tsing-Tien Making (TTM), tutor of the AA School of Architecture Summer School 2023.

As an artist, her works have been exhibited in galleries and museums across the UK, Italy, and China. Her collection <Splendour: A Dream of the Eastern Capital> was first shown at the 250th 2017 Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, curated by Grayson Perry. After relocating to Shanghai in 2021, Freja was invited by the Suzhou Museum team to create a new collection of drawings inspired by the original Emperor Qianlong’s Southern Inspection tour scroll painting.

As an architect, her practice has been in the UK, Japan, and China since 2014. She was involved in a few significant urban renewal projects in the centre of London while she was working at the KPF London office. Since joining the Kengo Kuma and Associates Tokyo office in 2019, she took on the Project Manager role and has been involved in the hospitality industry; museum and art institutions, and private housing design.

In 2023, Freja established Tsing-Tien Making (TTM), adheres to deliver her design philosophy, and combines the traditional culture with her design discipline. Collaborating with Suzhou Museum on the "A Day with the Emperor Qianlong" art project, Freja led a team to create a 55-meter-long drawing based on the original Qianlong's Southern Inspection scroll drawn in 1751s. Throughout the entire project, she not only brought novelty to its content but also innovated in practice, enabling the reinterpretation and dissemination of traditional museum culture in new forms. In 2023, the renovation of the former residence of Zhang Taiyan project received a commendation from the Municipal Culture Department of Suzhou and is regarded as an outstanding case of the renovation of state-owned bookstores.


Freja Bao 包理佳

建筑师/艺术家,青天制作所主创,AA 建筑联盟2023夏校导师。

硕士毕业于专业排名英国第一的伦敦大学巴特莱特学院建筑专业,获得英国皇家建筑师学(RIBA)英国皇家注册建筑师课程认证。Freja于2010年起,先后在中、英、日三国开展长达10年的建筑实践,期间受到KPF(英国)和大师隈研吾(日本)的指导。同期她的画作,展现了东方文化独特的艺术魅力,引发了广泛讨论,多次入选了国际展览。Freja Bao的名字被收录于英国皇家美术馆艺术家名册。

作为建筑师,Freja参与的项目,主要分布在英国伦敦,中国苏州,日本东京。参与设计了目前英国最大的商业,住宅和学校综合体改造项目,由英国最有影响力的房地产发开公司Grosvernor(格罗夫纳)在伦敦市中心开发;设计监工了伦敦金融投资中心区域的超高层塔楼;参与了伦敦塔桥Colechurch House的设计投标,入围最终评审会。来到隈研吾事务所东京办公室后,Freja将更多的建筑兴趣放在了中小型文化设计项目上,在多个私人住宅以及政府公共艺术项目中,担任设计及项目经理的工作。
